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时间:2021-01  |  来源:admin



SACOL's Instruments

  • 三维超声速风速温度计和红外线气体分析仪测量地表的动量、感热、潜热和CO2通量。这对于研究陆面-大气间湍流通量的输送、理解黄土高原半干旱区的水循环和能量交换过程具有重要作用。

    The fluxes of momentum, CO2, latent (H2O) and sensible heat are measured at 3.0 m with a three-axis Sonic Anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell), and an opened path infrared CO2 and H2O analyzer (LI7500,LI-COR). It is important to estimate the turbulent fluxes between the surface and the atmosphere to understand the mechanism of water and energy cycles over the semi-arid region of Loess Plateau. The graphs below show the daily CO2 flux(left) and friction velocity (right).


  • LAS测量几公里范围区域均匀下垫面的地表感热通量,它可订正卫星/空基遥感的反演结果。

    The observations of the surface sensible heat flux, representative of areas of several square kilometers, have been regularly performed with a Large Aperture                         SACOL's InstrumentsScintillometer (LAS, Kipp & Zonen) at SACOL. This measurement is suitable for use in the energy balance and water cycle study, air pollution and regional weather forecasting, and inertial sub-range scale turbulence measurement. Compared to the traditional ‘point’ measurements, LAS measures the path-averaged structure parameter of the refractive index of air over horizontal path lengths from 0.25 km to 4.5 km.