All the way to "area" strategy as an opportunity to take the lead in the northwest region of our country foundation integrated network, build a multichannel Raman based fluorescence lidar, other observations, including microwave radiometer foundation stereoscopic observation system, to carry out the ecological environment for atmospheric clouds and aerosols, long-term continuous observation research on service "area" national strategy is of great significance.

The "One Belt And One Road" observation network constructed by lanzhou university is based on the multi-band Raman fluorescence lidar system independently developed by lanzhou university. It monitors and warns the global climate change and other cutting-edge scientific research, as well as atmospheric composite pollution such as haze.China's satellite-borne lidar can also be calibrated by establishing its own ground-based lidar observation network for cutting-edge research in meteorological disaster operations and global climate change.The construction includes the three-dimensional observation of ground-based and satellite-borne lidar, combined with the regional atmospheric model, the development of a high-precision and high-resolution meteorological disaster warning and prediction system.
Based on this, these will provide better socio-economic services for disaster prevention and mitigation early warning, wind and photovoltaic power development, high-voltage power transmission, railway and logistics transportation and other fields along the "One Belt And One Road" route.Established the comprehensive observation of foundation, can improve the lanzhou university international influence in the field of atmospheric science and related disciplines, and through the establishment of high quality, high precision observation data sets, check the spaceborne radar, laser monitoring dust transmission rule and local air pollution and spread, over a long distance for global climate change and other cutting-edge scientific research, early warning and forecasting of the environmental pollution, chemical and biological warfare agents monitoring in areas such as providing valuable scientific support.