Surface fluxes monitoring system
Eddy covariance system

The fluxes of momentum, CO2, latent (H2O) and sensible heat are measured at 3.0 m with a three-axis Sonic Anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell), and an opened path infrared CO2 and H2O analyzer (LI7500,LI-COR). It is important to estimate the turbulent fluxes between the surface and the atmosphere to understand the mechanism of water and energy cycles over the semi-arid region of Loess Plateau. The graphs below show the daily CO2 flux(left) and friction velocity (right).
Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS)
The observations of the surface sensible heat flux, representative of areas of several square kilometers, have been regularly performed with a Large Aperture
Scintillometer (LAS, Kipp & Zonen) at SACOL. This measurement is suitable for use in the energy balance and water cycle study, air pollution and regional weather forecasting, and inertial sub-range scale turbulence measurement. Compared to the traditional ‘point’ measurements, LAS measures the path-averaged structure parameter of the refractive index of air over horizontal path lengths from 0.25 km to 4.5 km.