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Surface Radiation Monitoring system
Time:2021-01  |  From:admin

Surface Radiation Monitoring system

It is also important to estimate the radiation budget to understand the transmission and absorption mechanism of energy which affects the global climate and climatic change. It is also useful in the validation of satellite observation. The radiation monitoring system consists of

Broadband instruments

SACOL's Instruments

Pyranometer (CM21, Kipp & Zonen);

Pyrgeometers(CG4, Kipp & Zonen);

Normal incidence pyrheliometer (NIP-CH1, Kipp & Zonen).

SACOL's Instruments


SACOL's Instruments

The Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (Model MFR-7, YANKEE) is a field instrument that simultaneously measures global, diffuse, and direct normal components of spectral solar irradiance at six wavelengths: 415, 500, 615, 673, 870, and 940 nm.It can be used to determine the optical depths of water vapor, aerosols, and ozone.


SACOL's Instruments

The UV Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (Model UVMFR-7, YANKEE) measures global, diffuse and direct narrowband solar radiation at 300, 305, 311, 317, 325, 332, 368 nm with 2 nm FWHM. Direct beam spectral irradiance data provides optical depth information that can be used to track the absolute calibration stability of the instrument.