1.General Information
Name: Xianjie Cao, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor
Address: College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, NO. 222, Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu Province, China
E-mail: caoxj@lzu.edu.cn
Office: No. 2205 of Guanyun Building
Doctor of Philosophy: 2005-2010, Lanzhou University, China, Major in the Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment
Bachelor: 2001-2005, Lanzhou University, China, Major in the Atmospheric Sciences
1) Gao, X., X. Cao*, P. Tian, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, T. Zhou, Combined observation of a dust storm over the Loess Plateau using a dual-wavelength lidar and an aethalometer, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2017, 8: 1103-1112
2) Cao, X.*, J. Liang, P. Tian, L. Zhang, X. Quan, W. Liu, 2014, The mass concentration and optical properties of black carbon aerosols over a semi-arid region in the northwest of China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi: 10.5094/APR.2014.069.
3) Cao, X., Z. Wang, P. Tian, J. Wang, L. Zhang*, X. Quan, 2013, Statistics of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles and optical depth using lidar measurement over Lanzhou, China since 2005-2008, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 122, 150-154.
4) Cao, X., L. Zhang*, X. Quan, B. Zhou, J. Bao, X. Li, 2012, Lidar measurements for comparison of atmospheric aerosol extinction and scattering properties over Lanzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 137, 256-261.
5) Zhang, L.*, X. Cao, J. Bao, B. Zhou, J. Huang, J. Shi, J. Bi, 2010, A case study of dust aerosol radiative properties over Lanzhou, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 4283-4293.
6) Cao, X., L. Zhang*, X. Li, J. Shi, J. Xu, J. Huang, W. Zhang, 2010, Analyses on aerosol absorption and scattering properties in Zhangye Region, Plateau Meteorology, 29(5), 1246-1253 (In Chinese).
7) Cao, X., L. Zhang*, B. Zhou, J. Bao, J. Shi, J. Bi, 2009, Lidar measurement of dust aerosol radiative property over Lanzhou, Plateau Meteorology, 28(5), 1115-1120 (In Chinese).
8) Tian, P., L. Zhang*, X. Cao, N. Sun, X. Mo, J. Liang, X. Li, X. Gao, B. Zhang, Enhanced Bottom-of-the-Atmosphere Cooling and Atmosphere Heating Efficiency by Mixed-Type Aerosols: A Classification Based on Aerosol Nonsphericity, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2018, 75: 113-124
9) Tian, P., X. Cao, L. Zhang*, N. Sun, T. Logan, J. Shi, Y. Wang, Y. Ji, Y. Lin, Z. Huang, T. Zhou, Y. Shi, R. Zhang, 2017, Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties over China from long-term satellite and ground-based remote sensing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17: 2509-2523.
10) Tian, P., X. Cao, L. Zhang*, H. Wang, J. Shi, Z. Huang, T. Zhou, H. Liu, 2015, Observation and simulation study of atmospheric aerosol nonsphericity over the Loess Plateau in northwest China, Atmospheric Environment, 117: 212-219.
11) Tian, P., X. Cao, J. Liang, L. Zhang, N. Yi, L. Wang, X. Cheng, 2014, Improved empirical mode decomposition based denoising method for lidar signals. Optics Communications, 325, 54-59.
12) Wang, Z., X. Cao, L. Zhang, J. Notholt, B. Zhou, R. Liu, B. Zhang, 2012, Lidar measurement of planetary boundary layer height and comparison with microwave profiling radiometer observation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 1965-1972.
4.Research Grants
1) Lidar for the detection of temperature, humidity and vertical velocity under the cloud to research the cloud potential precipitation, NO. 41627807, 2017.01-2021.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China
2) Research on the temporal and spatial distribution of air water resources and location selection and opportunity for artificial precipitation and snow, NO. 2016YFC0401003, 2017.01-2020.12, National Key R&D Program of China
3) Atmospheric turbulence in the stable boundary layer over complex terrain of semiarid region in the Loess Plateau, NO. 41475008, 2015.01-2018.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China
4) Research on the inter-influence between heavy pollution accumulation and synoptic and climatic processes in China, NO. lzujbky-2016-k06, 2016.01-2017.12, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
5) Observation study of black carbon and dust aerosol depolarization properties over Lanzhou, China, NO. 41205112, 2013.01-2015.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China
6) Interactions between atmospheric chemical processes and climate and stratosphere and troposphere, NO. 41225018, 2013.01-2016.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China