ML9800型环境空气质量分析仪测量大气中的CO,CO2,O3,SO2和氮氧化物(NO/NO2/NOx) 痕量气体成分;Beta Gauge粒子监测仪观测近地面的PM10浓度;非甲烷总烃分析仪测量影响对流层中光化学反应的总碳氢化合物浓度。
The ML9800 ambient air analyzers (Monitor Labs) measure the amount of trace gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) (ML9830B), ozone (O3) (ML9810B), sulfur dioxide (SO2) (ML9850B), and oxides of nitrogen (NO/NO2/NOx) (ML9841B), present in the atmosphere.
A PM Ambient Particulate Monitor (RP1400a,Thermo) measurers the concentration of PM present in the boundary layer.
A Total Non Methane Hydrocarbons Analyzer (TNMH 462, DANI ) measures the amount of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC).