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时间:2019-01  |  来源:






2017.09 - 2020.06 兰州大学,大气物理学与大气环境,博士

2015.09 - 2017.06 兰州大学,气候学,硕士

2011.09 - 2015.06 兰州大学,大气科学(基础理论班),学士


2020.07-今 兰州大学西部生态安全协同创新中心,工程师


1. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金:干旱半干旱气候变化机理(41521004),2016.01-2021.12,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:东亚地区不同下垫面人为起沙参数化的数值模拟与研究(41775003),2018/01-2021/12,参与


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[2]. Yuan T., Chen S., Huang J., Wu D., Lu H., Zhang G., Ma X., Chen Z., Luo Y., Ma, X. Influence of Dynamic and Thermal Forcing on the Meridional Transport of Taklimakan Desert Dust in Spring and Summer. Journal of Climate. 2019, 32, 749–767. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0361.1.

[3]. Chen S., Yuan T., Zhang X., Zhang G., Feng T., Zhao D., Zang Z., Liao S., Ma X., Jiang N., Zhang J., Yang F., Lu H. Dust storm modeling over East Asia during the summer of 2010 using the WRF-Chem model. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2018, 213, 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.04.013.

[4]. He Y., Huang J., Li D., Xie Y., Zhang G., Qi Y., Wang S., Totz S. Comparison of the effect of land-sea thermal contrast on interdecadal variations in winter and summer blockings. Climate dynamics. 2017, 51, 1275–1294. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3954-9.

[5]. Bi J., Huang J., Shi J., Hu Z., Zhou T., Zhang G., Huang Z., Wang X., Jin H. Measurement of scattering and absorption properties of dust aerosol in a Gobi farmland region of northwestern China - a potential anthropogenic influence. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017, 17, 7775-7792. DOI: 10.5194/acp-17-7775-2017.

[6]. Bi J., Huang J., Holben B., Zhang, G. Comparison of key absorption and optical properties between pure and transported anthropogenic dust over East and Central Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016, 16, 15501-15516. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-15501-2016.

 [7]. 张国龙,张廷翰,陈斌,张芝娟,张艳婷,管晓丹,康丽泰. APEC期间京津冀地区污染物特征分析. 大气与环境光学学报. 2017, 03, 184-194.

 [8]. 张芝娟,陈斌,王皓,张国龙,张艳婷. 利用OMI资料分析APEC期间吸收性气溶胶的时空分布特征,兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2017, 01, 93-100.

 [9]. 张艳婷,陈斌,张廷瀚,张芝娟,张国龙,管晓丹,张北斗. 利用MODIS和MISR资料对APEC会议期间气溶胶时空分布特征的分析,大气与环境光学学报,2017, 02, 136-147.